2013년 7월 3일 수요일

Open your Eyes and find out who is hidden in the bible!

In the past when I was in Primary school, I remember I used to play hide and seek with my classmates and my role was a tagger. Tagger has to find the hide ones, and when I found out them in hidden places I felt so glad and shout out loudly about what I’ve found.

Just like this, God the Mother(Heavenly Mother) is a mystery that was hidden in the bible and something new that I want to boast.

Most of people might have not heard about the existence of God the Mother, but we cannot ignore her because she was there from the past, and she is here with us.

Gen. 1:26-2 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

This verse is cited from the common bible we use all around the world; through this verse, we can notice that there are the two images of God (a male image and a female image).  Up until Christ Ahnsahnghong told us about the existence of God the Mother, nobody has ever found out. We were only get used to God the Father; the male image of God. We call the male image of God as ‘Father’, then how should we call the female image of God? We should say 'Mother' without any doubt. This is why God had said, "let us make man in our image, in our likenes".
It is logical fact. Just think about the term “us”. When do we use the word “us”? The answer is ‘only when there are more than 2 people’.

Now, some people also might say “us” represents God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This statement is incorrect, because if that is true then there must be three kinds of people in the world (people who were created in the image of God the Father, those who were made in the image of God the Son, and lastly those who resembled the image of the Holy Spirit).

However, there are only two kinds of people: men and women. So, the “Gods” referred in Genesis 1:26 tells us that there are male image of God and female image of God.

If this confuses you, then think of an example of shadow. You bring your hand under the light. What do you get? You get five shadows of fingers. Through the shadow, we can tell that we have five fingers. Shadow never makes things up that doesn't exist there nor lie, it exactly tells what the original one look like. In the same way, if men and women are shadow of God’s images then God’s images must have two images: one with men, another with woman. We call them Elohim God.

댓글 4개:

  1. If you put away prejudices and open your mind, you can find out God the Father & God the Mother in the Bible.
    Only when you fint out God the Father(Christ Ahnsahnghong) and God the Mother, you can receive salvation.

  2. Existence of god the mother is reasonable.
    Moreover we can see the god the mother in the bible.

  3. God created all things with his words, When God simply says, the word become real, so "Let there be light" and then there was light as written in the bible. However, nevertheless,When God creates man, God doesn't say "Let there be man", instead, God explains us how God creates man. Why is that? It is because God wants to let us know that there is not only God the father but also God the mother, thru principle of copy. We are copies of God, Male from God the father and female from God the mother.

  4. I want to shout 'I found God the Mother' like hide and seek.
    In the bible, we can find God the Mother who is giving eternal life for heaven to those who found Her. Even though we cannot remember this, the bible let us know. Then let's go to Elohim God[God the Father and God the Mother]
