In the bible, God is referred as light,
1 John 1:5 “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all”.
If we want to spread God, then we have to become either candle or mirror. Candle is igniting and provides light to other people who are in the dark. Also, mirror is something that reflects our features. Those are definitely needed to light up the world. There is a church which makes the world better place and supporting lights; it’s called World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG).
They continue doing variety of volunteer activities such as blood drive,
clean-up campaign and donations so they deliver the light which is referred as
God in the bible. They also believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong as second-coming Jesus and God the Mother as Heavenly mother in this age of the Holy Spirit.
World Mission Society Church of God has done so many good deeds as a perfect example of candle and mirror. It’s all because of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother gave the teachings of God in WMSCOG.
Candle should burn itself to give us light. which reflects the path of sacrifice which Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly mother have been walking. Thru the goods, i want to deliver the light of glory of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly mother to the world world.
답글삭제As God's child, I think that reflecting the light of God is no wonder for the glory of our real Parents; God the Father and God the Mother.
답글삭제"No Pain, No Gain"
답글삭제Without sacrifice, we can gain nothing. See, How our spiritual father Ahnsahnghong-nim and Heavenly mother suffer in this earth to save ppl's lives. Then, what kind of mindset we shld have ?
When the light appears, the dark will disappear
답글삭제Though the earth is full of dark, we can find what we want when there is a streak of light on the earth
2,000 years ago, Jesus the light shone to ppl
Now,The light Christ ahnsahnghong n Heavenly mother are shining it to ppl
Rev22:17 The Spirit and The Bride say " come" take the water of life without any cost
They are shing the light of the truth to you
yes right, i know how important it is.. As God's children we have to spread right teachings of God. lets shining there glory to the whole world!